The Photocloset
The PHOTOCLOSET is a fully equipped, 24-hour access Black and White Darkroom with a Color Digital Workstation. The Photocloset is centrally located in an active visual arts building in Seattle, Washington and has been in operation in Seattle since 1994. The Photocloset functions on a membership basis with a limit of 30 photographers at any one time. The Black and White Darkroom provides basic chemistry, use of multiple enlargers, print and film developing kits and storage space. The Photocloset also has a Color Digital Workstation with a iMac Intel Core 2 Duo Processor, Photoshop, Negative and Print Scanner and the Epson 7900 Archival Ink Jet Large Format Printer for widths up to 24” and lengths up to 96”.
The Photocloset strives to provide its photographers with a creative working environment in which one can work freely without watching the clock as one is likely to do in a darkroom with hourly rates. Photographers who are working with film and Black and White Photography are not in it for haste and the Photocloset offers the convenience of a laid back atmosphere where photographers can take their time. The Photocloset is geared towards artists, professional photographers and hobbyists alike and encourages members to experiment with the medium and different techniques. The Black and White Darkroom maintains the very affordable access fee by not hiring monitors. The photographers at the Photocloset take responsibility for keeping the darkroom clean and accessible for everyone. A few times a year the photographers are invited to participate in the Pound Open Studios, an opportunity for recognition and to bring the artists of the Pound Building together as a community.
The $60/month darkroom membership fee affords each photographer the use of the print room with three enlargers (two Beseler 23C and an Omega Pro), print kits for standard, medium and large format negatives, a negative loading/developing room, basic chemistry for developing film and paper, private lockers and a digital workstation with an iMac, Photoshop, Negative and Print Scanner, internet access and the Epson 7900 Digital Printer for large format color printing. There is a two-month minimum and a $50 key deposit, adding up to a start up fee of $170.

Join the Photocloset Today!
You can join the Photocloset, pay your monthly dues, sign up for an automatic monthly payment or pay for a year in advance and save money at the Pound Store!